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AGS Tank Mix Guide

Important: This chart is produced in good faith as a guide only. Always read the product label before tank-mixing. It is good practice to jar test any tank mix when used for the first time to ensure it is suitable for your individual circumstances. When a product is used in a mixture not specifically recommended by the product manufacturer, it is at the user’s risk.


400 Can be tank-mixed at 400l/ha water volume, 400* Can be tank-mixed at 400l/ha water volume, but there is target incompatibility (soil-target
product mixed with leaf-target product), 2-500 Can be tank-mixed at 2-500l/ha water volume, but products should be applied at different soil
temperatures/climate/plant life cycle, etc, ✘ Do not tank-mix, Add the product on the upper row first, < Add the product on the side column first.