Leaf Guard

  • Suppresses the formation of excessive guttation.
  • Promotes faster drying of turfgrass leaves post-moisture exposure.
  • Eliminates conditions favourable to fungal development by reducing leaf wetness.
  • Provides a durable, water-resistant coating on the leaves.
  • Aids turfgrass managers in maintaining optimal turf conditions.


Leaf Guard operates by accelerating the removal of moisture from turfgrass leaves, facilitating quicker drying after exposure to moisture, and ensuring effective moisture control. This process is crucial in preventing the accumulation of moisture on the leaf surface, a condition conducive to fungal growth. When water droplets merge with guttation, it creates a nourishing environment for fungal pathogens. Leaf Guard acts as a significant asset in winter disease management, ensuring the turfgrass has reduced leaf wetness and inhibiting the growth of fungi.

ProductPack SizeApplication RateWater Volume
Leaf Guard10ltr10ltrs/ha 300-400ltrs/ha

Leaf Guard