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AGS are very pleased to announce Joe Hendy and Matt Le Brun have recently passed their BASIS examinations.

What is BASIS?

BASIS is an independent standards setting and auditing organisation for the pesticide, fertiliser and allied industries. BASIS was established by the pesticide industry in 1978 to develop standards for the safe storage and transport of agricultural and horticultural pesticides and to provide a recognised means of assessing the competence of staff working in the sector. BASIS offers examinations and recognised qualifications for people working in the pesticide, fertiliser and related sectors and operates an annual inspection scheme to audit pesticide stores and ensure their operation presents minimal risk to people and the environment. In addition to this, BASIS provides a forum for industry trade associations and other stakeholders to discuss how professional standards can be maintained, improved and promoted. BASIS works closely with industry, the regulatory authorities and government to promote and develop professional standards.

What do these qualifications mean for AGS?

Being registered provides company directors, local authorities and contractors with peace of mind and the growing range of BASIS qualifications has allowed people in the industry to develop their skills and demonstrate their professionalism. The majority of distributors of professional pesticides are registered with BASIS and most consistently reach the required standard, year after year


This is a great achievement and adds two more qualified people to the ranks of the AGS agronomy team.